☀☀☀ 難度等級:簡單 ☀☀☀ Thanks for your interest in joining Parkbus Taiwan along the famous Caoling Historic Trail between New Taipei City and the Pacific Coast in Yilan County!
After our pick-up from Taipei Main Station, we will be dropped off in Gongliao District, New Taipei City at the beginning of the Caoling Historic Trail. From here we will walk for 20 minutes along the traditional trail that has been converted into a small roadway just past Yuanwangkeng Riverside Park.
The trail transitions into a stone and compact soil trail and is the start of the Caoling Historic Trail for about 1.5 hours. At the intersection of the Taoyuan Valley Trail, we will continue to hike along the ridgeway and grasslands of the coastal mountains with spectacular views down along the east coast of Taiwan and Yilan County. After about a 1.5-hour hike along this section, we will hike back down the coast to Dali Visitor Center to explore the local temple, and visitor center and meet the bus.
The total distance covered will be around 10km and is very accessible for beginners and novice hikers.
• 07:30 – Bus Pick Up: Taipei Main Station(在台北車站集合並搭上 Parkbus)
• 08:45 – Arrive at Caoling Historic Trail’s trailhead(抵達草嶺古道)
• 16:00 – Bus Departure from Dali Visitor Service Center(從大理遊客中心集合併搭乘公園巴士返回台北市)
• 17:30 – Estimated Return: Taipei Main Station(預計抵達台北車站)
✅ Reservable ticket(可保留的座位)
✅ Return bus service(來回交通服務)
✅ Passenger insurance on bus(交通強制險)
✅ Travel agency liability insurance(旅遊責任險)
✅ Guiding services(導覽服務)
✅ Self-guided option if preferred(您也可以選擇自由探索此目的地)
⚠️ 這次的行程將會讓大家在草嶺古道下車,並於宜蘭東北角大里遊客中心返回台北車站。由於此為單向的行程,貢寮區並不會有我們的回程車。整趟旅行的長度約為11公里,屬於中級登山路線,考慮到登山時間之限制,我們建議您必須有一定的體能,在報名前請評估您的體能條件是否適合參加,謝謝您的配合。
⚠️ 此團人數上限為 15 人,此外,若出團人數未達到 10 人,Parkbus Taiwan 保有取消行程的權利,若因人數不足而取消我們將會提前通知並提供全額退款,謝謝您的體諒。